Anthony Bonanno, B.A.(Hons), D. Lett. (Palermo), Ph.D. (London), is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Malta. He has lectured at the University of Malta since 1971. He has also paid lecturing visits to various universities in Europe, the United States, and Egypt.
He convened two international conferences, one in 1985 and one in 1988. He edited the papers of the first one in a volume entitled Archaeology and Fertility Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean (Amsterdam, Grüner, 1986) and a selection from the second one in the Journal of Mediterranean Studies I, 2 (Malta, Mediterranean Institute, 1991). He has also authored various publications on Roman art and Maltese Archaeology, such as, Portraits and Other Heads on Roman Historical Relief up to the Age of Septimius Severus (Oxford, BAR, 1976); Roman Malta. The Archaeological Heritage of the Maltese Islands (Rome, World Confederation of Salesian Past Pupils of Don Bosco, 1992), Il-Preistorja (Malta, PIN, 2001) and Malta, Phoenician, Punic and Roman (Malta, Midsea Books, 2005).